Judge lives life in our stead,
Casts illusions and shadows in Mind;
Only the blame of our neighbor...
Traps the Light in a darkening bind.
Cruel and deep spiral downward;
One kind up-turn does not make repair...
The apple Adam 'put' onto Eve;
Fuels a War of malicious despair.
Endgame waits Coming...
Two Minds become One face to face;
A Still Mind bathed in Boundless Love...
We truly are answered by Grace.
Grace of God's Love somehow finds us...
Cloud's Unknowing takes its Merciful Hold;
Silent Gathas so Holy and Grateful...
Turn monsters to Friends in our Fold.
Work on the space in-between us...
And learn just what not to say;
Seems the only game left me...
With debts the Honest can't pay.
Endgame waits Coming...
Two Minds become One face to face;
A Still Mind bathed in Boundless Love...
We truly are rescued by Grace.
I ain' even set for the Endgame...
Face the Sister I sent to a Cross;
The World's just got to Soften...
Before I Forgive Her for bearing my Cost.
Love lit - 'til our eyes flee and dart scared...
Until ready - I confess - and run wise;
Drop my eyes in face of Mankind's wrath:
Christ wears such a brilliant disguise.
Endgame waits Coming...
Two Minds become One face to face;
A Still Mind bathed in Boundless Love...
We truly are redeemed by God's Grace